Madina RIVAL
Research themes
- Corporate political activities
- Lobbying
- Public management
- Public innovation
- Public policies
- Management
- Organization theory
- Strategy.
Contact Madina RIVAL
Professional career of Madina RIVAL
Madina Rival graduated Sciences Po Paris, was a student of the “Ecole Normale”, holds an “aggregation” in economics and management ans a management science PHD from La Sorbonne University. Today, she is a University Professor at the National Conservatory for Arts and Craf (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Cnam University).
Specialized in management and public innovation, she is in charge of a school diploma and a master’s degree (2nd year) on the subject. Researcher in management sciences, she also is in charge of the interdisciplinary research laboratory in action sciences (Lirsa, 210 researchers).
Author of numerous research articles internationally, she works on lobbying, the making of public politics, the different aspects of management and public innovation. Madina Rival is currently supervising five doctoral theses on these subjects.
Selection of important or recent publications
- 2018 : Chanut, Rival, Lallemand, Peng et Rochette, « Nouvelles idées sur le management public, un champ en construction ? » revue Management international, juin, p. 107-120 (Fnege 2/ HCERES A).
- 2017 : Rival et Ruano-Borbalan : «La fabrique des politiques publiques co-construites, idéologies et pratiques innovantes », Politiques et Management Public, n°1-2, vol 34, p.5-16 (Fnege 4/HCERES C).
- 2016/2018 : Rival et Major, “What lobbying ethics and what for?, the case of French lobbying consulting firms.”, Journal of Business Ethics, Online 5 avril,2016, published June 2018, vol150 n°1, p.99-116 (Fnege 2/HCERES A).
- 2016 : Chanut, Albizatti, Rhazi, Rival et Rochette, « Le corps français des ingénieurs des eaux, des ponts et des forêts, une profession résiliente ? Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, p.61-78 (Fnege 2/HCERES A).
- 2015 : Rival et Chanut, « Les stratégies politiques des organisations : de nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche en gestion », Revue Française de Gestion, octobre, p. 71-88 (Fnege 2/HCERES B).