
"Art et Innovation Responsable"

Visiting - Professeure Daria Podtemina

17 juin 2024 - 8h30
18 juillet 2024 - 17h

Daria Podmetina, D.Sc. (Tech) will work as visiting researcher at CNAM June 17th- July 18th, 2024. The aim of the visit is research collaboration with professor Anne Berthinier-Poncet and other CNAM researchers. The planned research is focused on art innovation practices - the novel approach to responsible innovation management in European companies.

Daria Podmetina

L'objet de ce séjour est de travailler ensemble sur un projet de recherche sur le thème "Art et Innovation Responsable". Initiée dans le cadre du projet Erasmus + ArtIST, notre collaboration a été jusqu'à présent plus tournée vers l'enseignement et articles de recherche et présentations de conférences. Nous souhaitons profiter de cette invitation pour ancrer cette collaboration dans une optique de recherche collaborative. Notre objectif, dans la lignée de notre projet Erasmus, est de mieux comprendre l'impact de l'Art dans le management de l'innovation responsable au sein des organisations, privées comme publiques.

Au cours de cette visite, notre objectif est d'examiner en collaboration l'intersection de la pensée du design, de l'économie circulaire et du domaine émergent de la pensée artistique dans le contexte des stratégies d'innovation d'entreprise. Grâce à des entretiens approfondis avec des dirigeants d'organisations multinationales, nous explorons dans quelle mesure les arts sont intégrés dans leurs processus d'innovation et leurs stratégies de différenciation pour accroître l'originalité de leurs idées en cours ou, via le marketing, pour cibler des groupes démographiques spécifiques.

L'objectif est de profiter de la présence du professeur Podmetina pour mener ensemble des entretiens qualitatifs sur Paris et travailler à la rédaction d'un article de recherche en commun. Cet article cherchera notamment à comparer les approches relatives au Art Thinking entre les entreprises françaises et les entreprises d'Europe du Nord.


The IA Generativepurpose of this stay is to work together on a research project on the theme "Art and Responsible Innovation". Initiated as part of the Erasmus + ArtIST project, our collaboration has so far been more focused on teaching and research articles and conference presentations. We would like to take advantage of this invitation to anchor this collaboration in a collaborative research perspective. Our objective, in line with our Erasmus project, is to better understand the impact of Art in the management of responsible innovation within organizations, both private and public.

During this visit, we aim to collaboratively examine the intersection of design thinking, the circular economy, and the emerging field of artistic thinking in the context of corporate innovation strategies. Through in-depth interviews with leaders of multinational organizations, we explore the extent to which the arts are integrated into their innovation processes and differentiation strategies to increase the originality of their current ideas or, through marketing, to target specific demographic groups.

The objective is to take advantage of the presence of Professor Podmetina to conduct qualitative interviews together on Paris and work on writing a joint research article. This article will notably seek to compare approaches to Art Thinking between French companies and Northern European companies.

During the visit Daria Podmetina will partiicpate in reserach seminar with PhD students, contribute to consulting PhD students and will work on two research papers in collaboration with professor Anne Berthinier-Poncet. This reserach is  focused on art innovation practices -  the novell aprroach to responsible innovation management in European companies. The work will include collaborative coding, analysing and interpreting the qualittaive data collected from 20 interviews with managers in EU companies and artists. The data analysing with be followed with collaborative cretive writing sessions covering frameworks for two scientific papers: Art innovation pratices and associated challeneges in european companies and  Integration of art into sustainability and collaborative Innovation processes: company and artist perpective.

Week 1. 27.05 – 31.05.2024

PhD Seminar Journées doctorales Abbé Grégoire 2024 :    Thème: « Le temps et la recherche » PhD students consultations.

Reserach: Preparation of data in NVivo program

Meetings: Collaborative meetings with colleagues in CNAM

Week 2. 3.06 – 7.06.2024

Reserach: Coding, analysing and interpreting the qualitative data collected from 20 interviews with managers in EU companies and artists in InVivo program

Meetings: Collaborative meetings with collegues in CNAM, thinking of future joing project applications and collaborative reserach papers

Week 3. 10.06-15.06.2024

Reserach: collaborative cretive writing sessions covering framework for scientific paper 1: Art innovation pratices and associated challeneges in european companies

Meetings: Collaborative meetings with collegues in CNAM, looking and analysing available financing frameworks for future joing project applications and collaborative reserach papers

Week 4. 17.06 – 21-06.2024

Reserach: collaborative cretive writing sessions covering framework for scientific paper 2: Integration of art into sustainability and collaborative Innovation processes: company and artist perpective

Meetings: Collaborative meetings with collegues in CNAM, selecting frameworks for future joing project applications and collaborative reserach papers. Drafting applicaiton plans.

Week 5. 24.06-28.06.2024

Reserach: Integrating Literature review (theoretical part of reserach) and empirical part (data analysis), collaborative writing discussion sections for the paper

Meetings: Collaborative meetings with collegues in CNAM, Selecting frameworks for future joing project applications and collaborative reserach papers. Drafting applicaiton plans.

BIO Daria Podmetina 

Daria Podmetina

Daria Podmetina D. Sc. In Technology, researcher at Taltech university (Estonia) and docent at LUT University (Finland), teacher, coach and project manager, working in the fields of innovation management, collaborative and open innovation and sustainability. Daria is expert in pedagogical innovation and enthusiasts in innovative teaching methods, such as: integrating arts into STEM education and developing STEAM skills for innovation management professionals and entrepreneurs; promoting entrepreneurship, sustainability and social innovation in school education; developing innovative solutions for sustainability in education and University business collaboration

Daria has been promoting open and collaborative innovation principles in research and teaching in international projects such as the Open Innovation Academic Network and INSPIRE project on open innovation in SMEs She is also an active member of the Academy of Management, scientific board member of ISPIM and WOIC conferences, and serves as a reviewer in several top academic journals. Daria has published her work in such highly ranked academic journals as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Management Decisions, Journal of Small Business Management and others.