Research themes

  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Co-operative education
  • Organizational socialization
  • Commitment, involvement
  • Neurotypical

Contact Antoine PENNAFORTE

Professional career of Antoine PENNAFORTE

Antoine PENNAFORTE graduated with a PhD in management sciences from Cnam University in 2010. He joined Le Cnam in 2011 as an assistant professor and is in charge of the graduate master program in HR management. He was previously a lecturer at Cnam university. He previously had an experience in HR management. He is a member of Lirsa and currently works on organizational behaviours, co-operative education, commitment, neurotypical.

+ CV Antoine Pennaforte - LIRSA

Selection of important or recent publications

  • Pennaforte, A., 2017, L’impact des comportements proactifs de socialisation sur les relations d’implication sous contrat atypique, Revue Internationale de Psychologie et de Comportements Organisationnels - RIPCO, HS supplément, 207-228
  • Pennaforte, A., Drysdale, M., Pretti, J., 2016, Building multi-target commitment through work-integrated learning: The roles of proactive socialization behaviours and organizational socialization domains, Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 102, 59-73
  • Dejoux, C., Condomines, B., Pennaforte, A., Bender, A.F., Greselle, O., Storhaye, P., Fonctions RH, Pearson, 5e édition, 2020
  • Pennaforte, A., Guignard, J.L, Herbinier, J.P., de La Pradelle, A., 2018, Les Fondamentaux de GRH : 100 défis RH illustrés, Dunod, 214 p.